Parents as Partners

We recognise that children learn and develop well when there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and that home school links are very important in reading. Our Phonics programme supports parents being fully aware of their child’s phonics ability, what phase they are completing, what book they are reading and how to support their next steps. 

The ACET scheme encourages the children to complete a ‘Read and Repeat’ cycle to support their fluency development. It also promotes a love of reading and the importance of discussion around stories. This means each week (for the whole week) each child will take home –

·         One phonic reading book from their current sub-phase for them to read to their parents/ carers,

·         One ‘reading for pleasure’ book from the school library for their parents/ carers to read to/with them. 

Parents also have access to the ‘Reading Level Expectations’. A full set of these expectations can be found in the resources section of the handbook. This provides parents with a simple guide of what phonemes and words are taught in each sub-phase and what other skills their child will need to master before moving onto the next level. If pupils are focusing on the same objectives both at school and at home they will consolidate their learning and make progress quickly.  

For the Reception children, who will begin on Phase 1 books, we have developed a Phonics Workbook to take home.